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The demo page of Interpretable Style Transfer for Text-to-Speech with ControlVAE and Diffusion Bridge.

Parallel Style Transfer.

Reference Speech
i was not thinking of that , replied madame danglars quickly .
of course all the boys went to school ; and most of them got into class three , but slightly was put first into class four and then into class five class one is the top class .
shed like gardencourt a great deal better if it were a boarding house .
it would have proved that he believed she was firm which was what she wished to seem to him .

Non-parallel Style Transfer.

the invention of movable metal letters in the middle of the fifteenth century may justly be considered as the invention of the art of printing.

Reference Speech
Generated Speech

Style Interpretability.

Reference Speech
Generated Speech
Dimension 1
Dimension 7
Dimension 9